A french builder some years ago had a brilliant idea which was a hinged
portion of metal on the vertical face of the thigh support, immediately
behind the stick. He would rotate this square plate about its top edge
hinge, orientated horizontally, and engage a semi-circular rebate in the
bottom of this "originally square aluminium plate", the stick would be
pulled back into it. Then, he had a semi-circular hook that was hinged on
one side, that allowed him to entrap the stick completely. The action of
stowing the control lock nicely locked componentry such as hooks into place
for safe flying. Fundamentally, you need to not be reliant on memory, so an
external lock I reckon is a bad idea. Must be internal, reachable from your
seat whilst belted up, and quickly removeable. Hope this helps. I think
there might have been some old pictures of it in a Europa Club magazine,
---From about 4-5 years ago.
Tony Renshaw
Sydney Australia
At 05:49 AM 4/18/2004, you wrote:
>Anyone got any bright idea's for control locks (preferably fairly simple
>as I am a simple soul) to stop my ailerons, tailplanes and rudder
>banging about in the wind whilst the airplane is parked.
>Richard Iddon. G-RIXS (looking for any excuse to go flying again)