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RE: Europa-List: Control locks

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Control locks
From: Rob Housman <>
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 08:19:42

The rudder can be easily locked with a dowel of sufficient length to insert
into both horizontal tubes at the top of the rudder "pedals."  Once in place
the rudder is fixed in a neutral position and can not move.

Best regards,

Rob Housman
Europa XS Tri-Gear A070
Airframe complete
Irvine, CA

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Cripps, David
Subject: Europa-List: Control locks


Does anyone have good designs for control locks for the Europa? Now that I
am banished outdoors on the windy coast, I'm having to give such things
consideration. I'd prefer some sort of design that fitted on to the
wings/tail directly.  I figure that this is more secure than simply locking
the control column/pedals in one position since even with the column/pedals
fixed, the wind can still blow the control surfaces around and rattle the
control runs and loosen the joints and pins.

I can see how to secure the ailerons (with a sort of V-shaped hat that would
go over aileron/flap/part of wing), but the tailplanes and rudder look to be
more difficult to hold in position externally.

Any thoughts?


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