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RE: Europa-List: Control Locks

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Control Locks
From: G-IANI <>
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2004 10:57:16


The control column lock Tony Renshaw referred to are pictured on Page 17
Europa Flyer No 26, November 2000.

You will find this on the Club CD if you have one.  If not let me know and I
will forward the pictures to you.

They are attributed to Peter Days.  Does anyone know any more about them?

Ian Rickard  #505 G-IANI XS Trigear
Ready to fly
Europa Club Assistant Mods Rep

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of RICHARD
Subject: Europa-List: Control Locks

Anyone got any bright idea's for control locks (preferably fairly simple
as I am a simple soul) to stop my ailerons, tailplanes and rudder
banging about in the wind whilst the airplane is parked.

Richard Iddon. G-RIXS (looking for any excuse to go flying again)

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