----- Original Message -----
From: "Rob Housman" <RobH@hyperion-ef.com>
Subject: RE: Europa-List: Control locks
| The rudder can be easily locked with a dowel of sufficient length to insert
| into both horizontal tubes at the top of the rudder "pedals." Once in place
| the rudder is fixed in a neutral position and can not move.
| Best regards,
| Rob Housman
| Europa XS Tri-Gear A070
| Airframe complete
| Irvine, CA
Rob et al,
With respect, I don't think locking the pedals will do the trick.
there is a simple but ugly solution. Two angle irons (alu), say 3/4x3/4x1/8inch
angles with 1/8" holes drilled in both arms - one angle attached to say,
aileron inboard edge so that one arm sticks down, and the other attached to
the wing undersurface with one arm sticking down - such that when neutral the
two holes coincide - allows a small lock or bolt to be inserted and inhibits
any motion. This can be duplicated on the stab.
The rudder presents a different problem, but bungees from rudder aft
edge to stab extremities might be an answer. My experience with locked control
linkage has not produced secure control surface fixing and continued small
motions soon become too big to ignore.
IMHO of course.
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