Morning Nigel
When did you last have a termostat fail on a car? I spent 20 years
driving upwards of 50,000 a year with my wife's car doing an additional
10,000 and in all that time I have not replaced one thermostat. On the
other hand I have had to change bowden cables on aeroplanes serveral
times, even one of the throttle cables on the Europa has needed
Even if your thermostat does fail cutting out the radiator it still does
not stop the oil flowing.
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of nigel
Subject: RE: Europa-List: Two points
--> <>
>The wire to your flap could sieze or break and you would be in the same
Seizure is very unlikely and would probably be found preflight. If it
broke the airflow would probably give a partial open position (spring
loading would ensure this). In any event there would be enough cooling
for cruise and descent. If a failure happened in T/O or climb a quick
return to the airfield would be easy enough with partial cooling.