My experience is the exact opposite to yours. With cars I have had 2 lazy
thermostats and one throttle cable break. A cable in this application is
not going to get used as much or as much load as a throttle cable neither
is it as critical. In practice I lay odds that I will get mod approval easier
for a air flap control than getting permission for a thermostat. I remember
the subject coming up once before with reference to the cooling system and
I think the PFA was none too keen so I think that modifying the oil system
would take a bit of convincing.
>-- Original Message --
>From: "Pete Lawless" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: RE: Europa-List: Two points
>Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2005 07:42:04 +0100
>Morning Nigel
>When did you last have a termostat fail on a car? I spent 20 years
>driving upwards of 50,000 a year with my wife's car doing an additional
>10,000 and in all that time I have not replaced one thermostat. On the
>other hand I have had to change bowden cables on aeroplanes serveral
>times, even one of the throttle cables on the Europa has needed
>Even if your thermostat does fail cutting out the radiator it still does
>not stop the oil flowing.
>-----Original Message-----
>[] On Behalf Of nigel
>Subject: RE: Europa-List: Two points
>--> <>
>>The wire to your flap could sieze or break and you would be in the same
>Seizure is very unlikely and would probably be found preflight. If it
>broke the airflow would probably give a partial open position (spring
>loading would ensure this). In any event there would be enough cooling
>for cruise and descent. If a failure happened in T/O or climb a quick
>return to the airfield would be easy enough with partial cooling.
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