That is what an AoA does. It shows you where you are in relation to the stall.
Every wings stall about 18 degree to the relative wind. The wind can come from
any direction. Up, down, straight ahead or up side down. The AoA is giving
you your angle above the stall or the degrees above a stall of 18 degrees.
Most fighter jet use it to get the slowest speed for the given weight and
They will pick 14 degrees. That gives you four degrees to play with
Hope this helps
Mike Parkin <> wrote:
"A second thought is that i am not really interested in AoA, because
especially in the Europa, the AoA varies greatly between flyable speeds
between 50 and 150 knots. It's the stall that i am interested in, and that
has little to do with the Angle of Attack. But please correct me if this
makes no sense!"
OH Dear !!!!! The AOA has EVERYTHING to do with the stall!!!