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Re: Europa-List: Pneumatic Installation

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Pneumatic Installation
From: Keith Hickling <>
Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2008 11:25:50

For those interested, there is a good basic aerodynamics  section on AOA in 
John Denkers online book (Graham and Mike can obviously write their own 
books !):

Advanced Flight Systems (Angle-of- make an AOA system that 
derives AOA from the pressure differences between 2 tiny pressure ports on 
the top and bottom surface of the wing, and the static and pitot pressures - 
no additional probes. It is much easier to install before the wings are 
closed, but they claim it can be installed in a completed aircraft.

I have installed this but am not yet flying, so can't comment on its 
accuracy, but I believe it is supposed to be quite good - I would appreciate 
comments from anyone who has used it or knows how it performs.

Keith Hickling,
New Zealand.
95% done, much less than 95% to go!

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