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Re: Europa-List: Aileron setup

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Aileron setup
From: Frans Veldman <>
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2008 10:26:20

The wheather was cooperating, so I started all over, exactly following Bud's 
When I rigged the wings, the result was indeed promising, with both ailerons 
centered and throw within the limits. That is, the ailerons where slightly
up together, and the down movement of the right aileron was just within the
When I tried to center both ailerons, this also increased the down movement of
the right aileron, causing it to exceed the limit. It proved to be almost 
to get both ailerons down without causing the right aileron to get more
than 22 degrees of down movement. 
The only way I could keep it within the limit was to shorten the link rod 
giving it more up movement instead.
After a few hours of trying, the best I could come up with is the following:

Port aileron
Up 22.5
Down 20.4

Starboard aileron
Up 24.8
Down 21.9

Although everything is within the limits, there is some asymmetry in the maximum
throw. I have no idea what is causing this, maybe an accumulation of all kind
of things that are slightly off. The port aileron could use some more throw,
while the starboard aileron should have less.

Should I worry about the result? Should I try fixing it by rebuilding some 
components? If so, what needs to be rebuild? I guess one of the bellcranks
has one hole slightly off, so it has more (or less) lever action. Maybe I can
fix it by putting the link bolt of the starboard aileron further away from the


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