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RE: Europa-List: Aileron setup

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Aileron setup
From: Greg Fuchs <>
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2008 15:43:32


Could this be the answer you are seeking? I believe it was Graham who
discussed the importance of aileron drive pin alignment. If alignment is not
within a tight tolerance, adjustment of ailerons can be impossible.

Do a search on matronix with this exact phrase(without the dashes):
--drive pin is the main critical--


p.s. Forgive me if this was already discussed, and I did not see it.


? If I allow more up movement there, the
starboard aileron will get more down movement, and exceed the maximum
allowable down movement.
Somehow I just can't get both ailerons moving the same amount. I started
twice right from the start, with finally the same results.

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