I received the below message quoting yours, but not yours in original. Was
there something attached to yours that I therefore did not receive - the LAA
mag article?
> -----Opprinnelig melding-----
> Fra: owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com [mailto:owner-europa-list-
> server@matronics.com] P vegne av William Daniell
> Sendt: 17. september 2012 14:53
> Til: europa-list@matronics.com
> Emne: RE: Europa-List: A question to the American "Europeans"
> --> <wdaniell@etb.net.co>
> Where do I get a Barbara (smartass)?
> Will
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com
> [mailto:owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com] On Behalf Of David Joyce
> Sent: 17 September 2012 04:08
> To: europa-list@matronics.com
> Subject: Re: Europa-List: A question to the American "Europeans"
> Svein, This isn't an answer to your question and indeed it comes from the
> wrong side of the pond, but after reading the report and noting that 44%
> the US fatal accidents are realted to loss of control in the air
(effectively stall
> spin accidents) it occurred to me that our transatlantic friends might be
> interested in the article recently published over here in the LAA mag. If
> seriously I believe it would savea lot of the 44% from a nasty end. The
> pictures have been removed to (hopefully) allow it to travel, but no doubt
> you can use your imagination.
> Regards, David Joyce, G-XSDJ