In my aircraft the space under the seats valuable and is used. Both sides have
the fuel filters for Main Tank and Reserve. Easy access to inspect and change.
The other side of the control channel I have a Attitude/Compass sensor (Port
side) away from magnetic disturbances and the Stall warning Horn sensor on the
Starboard side. I cover the seat pan with 10mm marine ply supported by the
control channel and marine ply supports glued to the undercarriage tunnel
side. Then it can be lifted out to inspect the sensors and fuel filters.
Upon that lies a seat cushion that has "body heat moulding" foam inside.
What what it is worth.
Tim Ward
12 Waiwetu Street,
Christchurch, 8052
New Zealand
Mob +64 210640221
> On 2/04/2017, at 7:03 AM, Rowland Carson <> wrote:
> Way back in chapter 17 of the manual, there was a paragraph thus:
> Using scrap blue foam, make up spacers to fill the areas each side of the
> control
tunnels, so that a flat surface results for the seat pans
> Ive carved foam blocks that fit nicely in the recesses but I feel that bare
> blue
foam is a bit prone to damage. Im inclined to coat each block in a single
layer of BID (with flox corners and all that good stuff). Yes, it will add a bit
of weight, but I think it might prevent the need to re-make the packing blocks
after some time in service.
> Has anyone else any thoughts about the advisability or otherwise of this
> course
of action?
> in friendship
> Rowland
> | Rowland Carson ... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...
> | <>
> | Skype, Twitter: rowland_carson Facebook: Rowland Carson