All our company aircraft were tested to Vd, 10% over Vne. And not just
taken to the speed but then tested [short stick and rudder raps] to see
if any flutter mode could be excited at Vd. I have performed these tests
at/up to 8000ft . We have never experienced any flutter mode. I also
tested the tail plane underbalanced and over balanced with the same
results. To my knowledge we have not had any reported flutter incidence
on the entire fleet. As you mentioned Pete did exceed Vd on a few
[] On Behalf Of Tim Ward
Sent: 04 January 2018 22:01
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Are Vne and Va IAS or TAS?
I am sure Peter Clark would have done those manoeuvres in the flight
testing. Must look at his notes again.
Sent from my iPhone
Tim Ward
12 Waiwetu Street
Hom 03315166
On 5/01/2018, at 10:43 AM, Pete <
<> > wrote:
Great article Will, thx!
I wonder now how the europa was tested wrt Vne and if Vd was tested/is
specified, if there is a IAS/density altitude table, and if the the
published Vne is structural or flutter?
Is Ivan lurking? ;-)
On Jan 3, 2018, at 7:23 AM, William Daniell <
<> > wrote:
I found this
What do you think think?
William Daniell
+57 310 295 0744
On Jan 1, 2018 22:19, "William Daniell" <
<> > wrote:
Mmmm....why the difference? The way I read the article it says that TAS
is the critical value. For most pilot this discussion is irrelevant
because the real issue occurs at altitude. However since we all fly
here regularly at over 12k often in mountain turbulence this is very
Anyway luckily my dynon shows IAS TAS and GS and for now I'll stick with
TAS as the key value.
William Daniell
+57 310 295 0744
On Jan 1, 2018 21:43, "Pete" <
<> > wrote:
Oops.... I mis-stated. VNE=TAS. Va=IAS
On Jan 1, 2018, at 9:29 PM, Pete <
<> > wrote:
TAS from my research.
On Jan 1, 2018, at 9:15 PM, William Daniell <
<> > wrote:
I seem to recall a discussion on this but I can't find it on the list.
At 12000 ft DA at which I was flying today, the difference is between
IAS and TAS is 20 kts or roughly 20%.
Thanks in advance Will