Hi Ivan, just to confirm, Vd IAS @8000ft DA?
Thanks again!
> On Jan 4, 2018, at 5:21 PM, <ivanshaw@btinternet.com> <ivanshaw@btinternet
.com> wrote:
> All our company aircraft were tested to Vd, 10% over Vne. And not just tak
en to the speed but then tested [short stick and rudder raps] to see if any f
lutter mode could be excited at Vd. I have performed these tests at/up to 80
00ft . We have never experienced any flutter mode. I also tested the tail pl
ane underbalanced and over balanced with the same results. To my knowledge w
e have not had any reported flutter incidence on the entire fleet. As you me
ntioned Pete did exceed Vd on a few occasions.
> Ivan