Yep Graham,
Airplanes only feel air pressure, not the velocity of the molecule alone.
Dynamic pressure is =BD Density times Velocity Squared or IAS (actually y
ou have calibrated then equivalent) is what the airplane feels. Those RV g
uys got all hung up on this and confused everyone.
Bottom line, what you read on the airspeed indicator counts. TAS is import
ant (actually Mach number) as the skin heats up due to friction which is a
different ball of wax. I was always a slow speed aero guy to match my mind
Bud Yerly
Sent from Mail<> for Window
s 10
From: <owner-europa-list-server@matr> on behalf of Pete <>
Sent: Thursday, January 4, 2018 5:49:37 PM
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Are Vne and Va IAS or TAS?
Hi Ivan, just to confirm, Vd IAS @8000ft DA?
Thanks again!
On Jan 4, 2018, at 5:21 PM, <<mailto:ivanshaw@btinte>> <<>> wrote:
All our company aircraft were tested to Vd, 10% over Vne. And not just take
n to the speed but then tested [short stick and rudder raps] to see if any
flutter mode could be excited at Vd. I have performed these tests at/up to
8000ft . We have never experienced any flutter mode. I also tested the tail
plane underbalanced and over balanced with the same results. To my knowled
ge we have not had any reported flutter incidence on the entire fleet. As y
ou mentioned Pete did exceed Vd on a few occasions.