Bud thanks, sets my mind at rest.
William Daniell
+57 310 295 0744
On Sun, Jan 7, 2018 at 11:09 PM, Bud Yerly <budyerly@msn.com> wrote:
> Will,
> I'm still on the road but here goes.
> Short answer:
> Q is force, whereas True is just speed.
> Long Answer:
> Think of it this way. The mono cruises at 175 TAS at 18,000 with a 914.
> The indicated is only 125 ish. You cannot pull enough G to achieve 6 Gs
> before you stall or have a vertical gust break the plane. Is the mono abo
> VNE, at 175 TAS, NO. Heck you are not at Vno or about 131 KIAS which is
> your green arc for gust factor(turbulent speed).
> That gust factor is what you need to be aware of in the turbulence of the
> mountains.
> "Aircraft Performance" by Domash explains it.
> So does the FAA. For finding high speed affects, the USAF F104 VN diagra
> is on Wikipedia and shows how Mach affects figure in for high TAS.
> TAS is important in turn rate, radius, navigation, and determining your
> Mach and Q velocity. But it is your Q (dynamic pressure), aka IAS, that
> affects, flutter, structural deformation, and your stall and not to exce
> speeds. This means what you read on your airspeed indicator is what you
> need to know for the plane. TAS and Ground Speed affect your pilotage
> which is a different topic.
> Again, in mountain flying, you need to know your turn diameter when valle
> flying, high altitude patterns (wider pattern necessary), lead turns to a
> radials etc. (especially In high speed aircraft) and in light aircraft in
> very high elevations. Engine performance vs airspeed bleed off becomes a
> factor as well.
> Regards,
> Bud Yerly
> Custom Flight Creations
> From: William Daniell
> Sent: Friday, January 5, 4:07 PM
> Subject: RE: Europa-List: Are Vne and Va IAS or TAS?
> To: europa-list@matronics.com
> Bud
> Does this apply even at the upper altitude range ....say 13k or 15k?
> Will
> On Jan 4, 2018 22:19, "Bud Yerly" <budyerly <budyerly@msn.com>@msn.com
> <budyerly@msn.com>> wrote:
> Yep Graham,
> Airplanes only feel air pressure, not the velocity of the molecule alone.
> Dynamic pressure is =C2=BD Density times Velocity Squared or IAS (actua
lly you
> have calibrated then equivalent) is what the airplane feels. Those RV gu
> got all hung up on this and confused everyone.
> Bottom line, what you read on the airspeed indicator counts. TAS is
> important (actually Mach number) as the skin heats up due to friction whi
> is a different ball of wax. I was always a slow speed aero guy to match
> mind.
> Regards,
> Bud Yerly
> Sent from Mail
> <https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgo.m
> for Windows 10
> *From:* owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com <owner-europa-list-server@
> matronics.com> on behalf of Pete <peterz <peterz@zutrasoft.com>
> @zutrasoft.com <peterz@zutrasoft.com>>
> *Sent:* Thursday, January 4, 2018 5:49:37 PM
> *To:* europa-list@matronics.com
> *Subject:* Re: Europa-List: Are Vne and Va IAS or TAS?
> Hi Ivan, just to confirm, Vd IAS @8000ft DA?
> Thanks again!
> Pete
> On Jan 4, 2018, at 5:21 PM, <ivanshaw <ivanshaw@btinternet.com>
> @btinternet.com <ivanshaw@btinternet.com>> <ivanshaw
> <ivanshaw@btinternet.com>@btinternet.com <ivanshaw@btinternet.com>> wrote
> All our company aircraft were tested to Vd, 10% over Vne. And not just
> taken to the speed but then tested [short stick and rudder raps] to see i
> any flutter mode could be excited at Vd. I have performed these tests at/
> to 8000ft . We have never experienced any flutter mode. I also tested the
> tail plane underbalanced and over balanced with the same results. To my
> knowledge we have not had any reported flutter incidence on the entire
> fleet. As you mentioned Pete did exceed Vd on a few occasions.
> Ivan