yes I have airspeed and rpm in round instruments. I figure I can get alt
---From my GPS
However I have grown rather addicted to the synthetic vision and autopilot
and it is a bit disconcerting when it goes blank. I can imagine that it
would be a tad more disconcerting if one were in IFR....Im very glad it
happened now and not half way between Curacao and the Dom Rep....
I have been mulling this over and am thinking that I need to rebuild the
panel - taking my time as opposed to rushing to get in the air. I will
- tidy up my electrical installation using blade fuzes instead of bulky
and heavy CBs - this will free up a lot of space in the panel and reduce
- include a second 7" dynon and adahrs
- and while Ive got the panel off include the sensor wires that I should
have included to start with.
Things happen for a reason.
William Daniell
+57 310 295 0744
On Jan 15, 2018 07:28, "John Wighton" <> wrote:
In the UK it is mandated to have backups of both airspeed and altimeter.
For good reason.
Recently some members even managed to get approval for backups that are
digital instruments - based on a safety case that they are no less reliable
than conventional electric/vacuum gauges. Obviously need battery backups
and be wired on separate circuits.
The Dynon D2 looks ideal as a backup. I have a Dynon D10A which acts as a
full 6-pack augmenting the steam gauges. Oddly l prefer the steam gauge
display as they take less time to check (on account of the needle positions
being stored as a 'picture' in one's head). Dr Joyce may be able to expand
on this in medical terms?
Regarding IFR, individual aircraft are being assessed in the UK for
eligibility for night/IFR use. I believe that Dynon displays may be
considered acceptable even without TSO (???)
John Wighton
Europa XS trigear G-IPOD
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