John, Certainly in the UK a Garmin G5 is now considered adequate back up
for an EFIS, with no requirement for steam age ASI& Altimeter. I have no
medical view of relative value of steam age engine instruments vs a
modern Engine Monitoring system, but I have strong non medical views on
the value of an EMS monitoring itself, as opposed to you needing to do a
FREDA every 15 mins. In practise I suspect that few actually manage to
check their engine instruments as often as that, and something could go
pear shaped in between times, whereas an EMS checks constantly and makes
it obvious to you if anything has strayed from the norm. On top of that,
as someone who has had the fortune to survive three direct head on
encounters, as I was looking out and saw them in time, whereas the other
pilot steamed straight ahead, apparently in the middle of a FREDA, I am
keen to spend as little time as possible eyes down!
Regards, David Joyce, GXSDJ
On 2018-01-15 12:19, John Wighton wrote:
> In the UK it is mandated to have backups of both airspeed and altimeter. For
good reason.
> Recently some members even managed to get approval for backups that are
> digital
instruments - based on a safety case that they are no less reliable than
electric/vacuum gauges. Obviously need battery backups and be wired
on separate circuits.
> The Dynon D2 looks ideal as a backup. I have a Dynon D10A which acts as a full
6-pack augmenting the steam gauges. Oddly l prefer the steam gauge display as
they take less time to check (on account of the needle positions being stored
as a 'picture' in one's head). Dr Joyce may be able to expand on this in medical
> Regarding IFR, individual aircraft are being assessed in the UK for
> eligibility
for night/IFR use. I believe that Dynon displays may be considered acceptable
even without TSO (???)
> --------
> John Wighton
> Europa XS trigear G-IPOD
> Read this topic online here:
> [1]