I installed my first Dynon some 10 years ago and stayed away from the Skyvi
ew until they got the bugs out. Early Skyviews at the air shows were so ho
t you couldn=92t keep your hand on the back of it (over 120 for me) and the
D180 LED front plate got very hot also. They were also like the early Blu
e Mountain: If you push the buttons fast and often, it will hang up just w
hen you need it most. Software glitches also abound in all these computers
. Good news is all the manufacturers allow you to download your error file
and send it to the factory tech reps. Typically some sort of RMA or patch
has to be made as one piece of equipment talking to the PFD will cause an
error forcing the PFD to hang up. Best advise until you get everything sor
ted out: Fly in VFR and REBOOT! I still fly with a Blue Mountain Gen 4.
I have backup round dials, mag compass and a handheld. I=92m the departmen
t of redundant redundancy. The Gen 4 has never failed, but it is 8 years o
ld now, so its life is limited as with all electronics.
We in the experimental community can install many variations of equipment.
Certified cannot. If you have been following news, Dynon is getting certi
fied for a number of aircraft, and equipment do=92s and don=92ts are follow
Regarding Cooling of Avionics Only:
The D100, D180 and early Skyview have always had cooling issues. The only
solution here in Florida was a cockpit air fan blown over the instrument wh
ich at the time had no air inlet as on a GRT. I worked on cooling flow unt
il the inside the panel and internal temperature monitors installed in othe
r equipment showed temps that were well within their limitations and an ext
ra OAT put into the panel or use my remote thermocouple on my VTVM. My cock
pit ventilation was always good so drawing outside air to the panel was not
The new Skyview CPU runs much cooler and has twin fans so here in Florida i
n many LSA aircraft, they are generally free of problems provided the panel
does not exceed 120 F, and the fan inlets are clear with good heat exit ou
t the top of the panel. Above 120 F in the panel, they seem to blank out o
r shut down. GRT has an internal temperature reading and I believe the Sky
view has one also, as well as warning flags. The problem with the smaller
Dynons (D10,100,180) is the screen goes blank but the unit can still be wor
king, which is kind of dumb. No warning, they just used to shut down. Tha
t has been cleared up on the new Skyview...
Normally outside air is not required to be funneled into the panel, but if
your Europa panel is tight, and there are other hot running instruments ins
talled, you may find a cooling fan and the tubes to be a reasonable investm
ent. You should also look at cooling exit from the panel as any air coming
in has to get the hot air out.
There are many ways to do this, from simple 25-40 mm cooling fans normally
used in a computer, to regular aircraft fan and tubing systems shown in Air
craft Spruce. I=92m used to panels where I=92m putting 5 pounds of crap in
a three pound bag. As you can see in the example below, there is a three
hole Ameriking fan sucking from the passenger side footwell, with tubes goi
ng to the Garmin 430, one horizontally to the Dynon FD 180, another going t
o an EXP electronic buss under the radios covered in a custom box. Note th
ere are two fans in the top of the panel to exit the air out of the panel.
This keeps the panel internal temperature on the bench to exactly the ambi
ent room temp with everything running.
Best Regards and keep testing to get all the bugs out,
Bud Yerly
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From: owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com <owner-europa-list-server@matr
onics.com> on behalf of William Daniell <wdaniell.longport@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, January 15, 2018 2:58:50 PM
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: Dynon rebooted twice in flight
very good point...hadn't thought of that. I will look at GRT and some of t
he portable options Leveil + naviator is one that catches my eye.
flying completely VFR all the time here is hard so everyone cheats a little
from time to time (except me of course)
William Daniell
+57 310 295 0744
On Mon, Jan 15, 2018 at 1:41 PM, Pete <peterz@zutrasoft.com<mailto:peterz@z
utrasoft.com>> wrote:
Keep in mind, common pitot, so duplicate potential attitude failure.
Not a bad idea to use a different vendor as a backup - different software b
ugs. One thing that grand rapids dos very well: it does not depend on gps
or pitot for consistent and reliable attitude.
On Jan 15, 2018, at 8:29 AM, William Daniell <wdaniell.longport@gmail.com<m
ailto:wdaniell.longport@gmail.com>> wrote:
yes I have airspeed and rpm in round instruments. I figure I can get alt f
rom my GPS
However I have grown rather addicted to the synthetic vision and autopilot
and it is a bit disconcerting when it goes blank. I can imagine that it wo
uld be a tad more disconcerting if one were in IFR....Im very glad it happe
ned now and not half way between Curacao and the Dom Rep....
I have been mulling this over and am thinking that I need to rebuild the pa
nel - taking my time as opposed to rushing to get in the air. I will
- tidy up my electrical installation using blade fuzes instead of bulky a
nd heavy CBs - this will free up a lot of space in the panel and reduce wei
- include a second 7" dynon and adahrs
- and while Ive got the panel off include the sensor wires that I should h
ave included to start with.
Things happen for a reason.
William Daniell
+57 310 295 0744
On Jan 15, 2018 07:28, "John Wighton" <john@wighton.net<mailto:john@wighton
.net>> wrote:
In the UK it is mandated to have backups of both airspeed and altimeter. F
or good reason.
Recently some members even managed to get approval for backups that are dig
ital instruments - based on a safety case that they are no less reliable th
an conventional electric/vacuum gauges. Obviously need battery backups and
be wired on separate circuits.
The Dynon D2 looks ideal as a backup. I have a Dynon D10A which acts as a
full 6-pack augmenting the steam gauges. Oddly l prefer the steam gauge di
splay as they take less time to check (on account of the needle positions b
eing stored as a 'picture' in one's head). Dr Joyce may be able to expand
on this in medical terms?
Regarding IFR, individual aircraft are being assessed in the UK for eligibi
lity for night/IFR use. I believe that Dynon displays may be considered ac
ceptable even without TSO (???)
John Wighton
Europa XS trigear G-IPOD
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