Aviate Navigate Communicate.
Its interesting to hear peoples view on in-cockpit audio and its
I am currently one of the Project Leads in Project GAINS which is
looking at the use of Electronic Conspicuity Devices in a busy airfield
One of the issues we have consistent feedback about is the increased
audio warnings from traffic alerts and conflicting with radio calls from
the ground and also other pilots increasing confusion and pilot
That said an AoA warning would be, in my opinion, meeting the aviate
criteria and therefore important to have prominance however how do
pilots balance and indeed deselect those audio warning that are
intrusive and distracting rather than life-saving.
Alan Burrill
> On 30 Oct 2019, at 10:21, Roger Sheridan <rogersheridan@mac.com>
<rogersheridan@mac.com <mailto:rogersheridan@mac.com>>
> Another vote in favour of audio warnings which are hard to ignore and
do not interrupt an already busy visual scan on final approach.
> I regularly fly another taildragger with Dynon AoA & audio warnings -
a bit like parking sensors there=99s a beeping tone which becomes
faster as you approach the stall - fantastic.
> My Europa has the Smartass which is also good.
> On balance I prefer the AoA since the stall is directly related to AoA
& correct approach speed IAS changes according to A/C weight.
> Some good AoA landing videos on youtube.
> Regards,
> Roger
>> On 29 Oct 2019, at 19:52, BobD <rjd@bobdawson.plus.com> wrote:
>> carlp101 wrote:
>>> Hi James,
>>> I fitted the Dynon heated probe that is also an AoA probe, but you
need it to feed a Dynon ADHRS unit. The AoA gauge is displayed in the
main Dynon SkyView panel.
>>> Regards
>>> Carl
>> Hi James,
>> When Carl fitted his Dynon heated probe, he kindly gave me his
original AOA probe, which I think he fabricated himself by slipping a
slightly wider aluminium pipe over the original probe, and chamfering
the front end to match the angle required for an AOA probe. I fitted
this to the inspection panel on the starboard wing, after replacing the
acrylic cover with a metal cover, and used this for my Dyson Skyview AOA
gauge, and it works well. Fortunately, I had some unnecessary wiring
running through the wing which I used to feed through the necessary
tubing. I have attached a couple of photos.
>> However, I also fitted a SmartAss device after reading the article in
the June 2014 LAA Magazine by David Joyce, and I must say I find the
audio prompting from this great, and would thoroughly recommend it, to
augment the AOA function.
>> Hope this helps.
>> --------
>> Bob Dawson
>> Europa XS TG || 912 ULS || G-NHRJ || Dynon Skyview || PilotAware ||
>> Read this topic online here:
>> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=492026#492026
>> Attachments:
>> http://forums.matronics.com//files/14727_7_208.jpg
>> http://forums.matronics.com//files/14727_6_172.jpg
>> http://forums.matronics.com//files/14727_5_208.jpg