I prefer AoA to airspeed as a primary information source. AoA tells you you will
slow down whereas ASI tells you you have already slowed down.
Stall is caused by critical AoA, which does not change with weight, or G load.
Stall airspeed varies with weight and indicated airspeed lags
AoA by at least 10 seconds.
> On 31 Oct 2019, at 09:28, zwakie <mz@cariama.nl> wrote:
>> Somehow the aoa beeping is easier to assimilate for me than smart ass voice
which seems to be nagging!"
> There is an easy way to get the best of both "worlds": SmartASS allows you to
replace the normal sound files, so what one could do: replace the standard voice
annunciations with sound files containing beeps that similar to the AoA beeps.
> Additionally, if one would like to mute to "speed high" annunciations, simply
replace those voice sound files with files that have no sound in them.
> --------
> Marcel Zwakenberg
> Europa XS TG || 912ULS || PH-SBR
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=492051#492051