Hi All,
Wow. I didn=99t realise the return fuel was that significant. My apolo
gies, I shall return to the recognised method in the future, Main Tank then R
Sent from my iPad
Tim Ward
12 Waiwetu Street,
New Zealand
021 0640221
> On 4/11/2020, at 1:32 AM, Remi Guerner <air.guerner@orange.fr> wrote:
> I agree with John that it is the best practice. The returned fuel is very s
ignificant. It is about 12 liters per hour at cruise power with the standard
Europa fuel system (Rotax 912, all carburetted versions). Then if you empty
the reserve side first, the 9 or so liters remaining on the main side will n
ot all go to the engine. Suppose your engine is using 15 liters/hour at your
selected cruise power, the fuel flow from the tank will be 27 L/h and the m
ain side will be empty after 20 minutes. 4 liters will go to the reserve sid
e and stay there... unless you switch tanks once again. Better empty the mai
n first and get 36 minutes of powered flight after switching to reserve. Wit
h the 914, the average return flow is dramatically higher, making the proble
m worse.
> Remi Guerner
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=499214#499214