Hi John,
The return fuel to the reserve tank is a very small amount due to the restri
ctor placed in the return line pipe from the T intersection. Most excess fue
l now flows out through an overflow tube from the new Rotax engine mechanica
l fuel pump. I would prefer to make sure the reserve fuel filter is not bloc
ked and the flow to the engine is uninhabited by selecting the Reserve first
for 30 mins then back to the Main for the last 30mins, a conservative appro
Sent from my iPad
Tim Ward
12 Waiwetu Street,
New Zealand
021 0640221
> On 2/11/2020, at 9:27 PM, John Wighton <john@wighton.net> wrote:
> Reply to Tim.
> The return line goes to the reserve side, therefore the last tank you swit
ch to should always be the reserve. As this will receive the excess fuel tha
t is bypassing the carb.
> So when your tank/gauge says empty stay on main tank. As soon as the engi
ne faulters switch to reserve, you then have 9 lites remaining. Every drop o
f that is available to you, including the returned fuel.
> Regards
> JW
> --------
> John Wighton
> Europa XS trigear G-IPOD
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=499180#499180