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RE: Europa-List: Re: Connecting both sides of the fuel tank

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Re: Connecting both sides of the fuel tank
Date: Mon, 2 Nov 2020 18:32:59
The "run until it falters" or "fly to failure" principle of fuel management
can be much improved by the fitting of a fuel pressure gauge or warning
light. This will normally give sufficient advance warning of fuel exhaustion
in the main tank to allow the reserve to be selected without the engine
missing a beat while it continues to run on fuel in the carburettors.
Depending on the type of gauge, the needle may start to fluctuate or the
light may flicker when the smooth flow of fuel is interrupted. This can be a
good attention-getter (I speak from experience!)

While on the subject of fuel system configuration, I feel it is important to
remind all UK builders and operators of the note accompanying my fuel system
review on the Club website

            "In U.K. any deviation from the current Europa published fuel
system must be approved by the LAA modification system in the normal way."



Dr Mike Gregory

Europa Club Safety Officer

01480 451655

07885 355765

-----Original Message-----
<> On Behalf Of Rick Moss
Sent: 02 November 2020 09:17
Subject: Europa-List: Re: Connecting both sides of the fuel tank>

John Wighton wrote:

> Reply to Tim.


> The return line goes to the reserve side, therefore the last tank you
switch to should always be the reserve. As this will receive the excess fuel
that is bypassing the carb.


> So when your tank/gauge says empty stay on main tank.  As soon as the
engine faulters switch to reserve, you then have 9 lites remaining. Every
drop of that is available to you, including the returned fuel.


> Regards

> JW

Certainly true, but I'm not sure I have the cajones to operate on the "run
it until it falters" principle of fuel management!

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