I made a "belly board" that slid in the opening so I could shinny
in either on my back or on my stomach. The end of the board that goes
inside has a cross piece at the end that rests on two tabs that I reduxed
to the sides to hold it up. At the back end (where it is in the cockpit)
I have a vertical piece which fits over the tunnel and holds it in place.
Still is a tight fit as the opening is not very big. I made cut outs
along side the board so when I slide in on my belly, it provides some
clearance for my arms to go around the board and work on the bottom of
the fuselage.
> Collective wisdom,
> The manual says to apply two ply BID 1" onto the baggage bay
> bulkhead and inside
> of the fuselage top.
> Two observations surface. 1) That bulkhead is somewhat flimsy and
> 2) only 1"
> bonding surface of the BID tape suggests that the bond is not really
> intended to
> be structural.
> Question: Should there be BID applied to both sides of the bulkhead,
> or only to
> the forward side? It was !#%!* of a job just to fit in there for me
> to do the
> front and get a decent peel ply job (not stated as required but. . )
> - let alone
> try and reach through the access panel and do the back side.
> While on the subject, I'm thinking of reinforcing the bottom edge of
> the access
> opening with a wood or aluminum angle stiffener. How else do you
> climb back in
> there without damaging the bottom edge of the opening, or cracking
> the bulkhead
> with one's body weight? (Answers of 'Very carefully' are deemed
> unacceptable!
> :-) ) Is this an issue of concern? Suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Cleve
> A198 Mono XS Jabiru 3300
> Detroit, Michigan
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