Hello Rowland,
Sorry to learn you have been crook but nice to know you are back on deck
> However, when I sit in it, the movement is considerably
> reduced; with only about 100mm deflection left or right from centre
> at the top of the stick, there's a graunching noise as the corners of
> CS07/08 scrape against the fuselage floor.
I had the same problem with the bottom corners of the CS08s contacting the
fuselage floor. My solution for this was to locally remove the inner glass
plies and then to sand out the foam leaving it chamfered around the edges to
ramp back up to the floor level. I then laid up two plies of bid into the
indentation lapping over the edges of the floor previously cut. This gives
the best part of 3mm extra clearance.
I also filed away any excess material on the bottom corners of the CS08s as
> You'll see in the picture that the outlines of the brown foam inserts
> in the lower moulding don't seem to have any real relationship with
> the various cut-outs and shapes of the CM. I'd have thought that
> perhaps they would line up in places. They are not even symmetrical
> port & starboard (the seats, on my CM anyway, have slightly different
> shapes P & S).
I understand where you are coming from with this Rowland. It is a long
while since I did mine but from memory, all of the cockpit module parts to
be bonded should mate with glass only sections in the fuselage. It his is
not the case, would
removing some extra material from the module allow this?
> The cockpit flange at the bottom of the seat backrest is supported by
> only fresh air, in the middle of the green area across the middle of
> picture DSCN2496.jpg, and any pressure on the seat pan will bend the
> CM down into that depression.
Is this because some parts of the module are resting on foam sandwiched
areas of the fuselage as mentioned in my last comment ?
> That causes CS07/08 to touch the
> fuselage floor where the small black marks can be seen on the brown
> area at the rear of the green stripe. I checked that the clearance
> for CS07/08 is correct (~6mm) as per the manual (picture
> DSCN2501.jpg), but the depression in the green stripe is about 4mm
> deep (picture DSCN2513.jpg) so if the CM is pushed down into that
> locally the clearance will be badly compromised.
Assuming I am understanding this correctly, if the module is lowered such
that the
cockpit flange at the bottom of the seat backrest contacts the glass only
area, the interference with the bottom of the CS08s will be worse, hence
the need to remove material locally as mentioned above.
Hope I have made SOME sense Rowland.
Best regards
Kingsley in Oz