>I didn't like my clearance between CS07/08 and
>fuse, so after checking with Nev, cut a bit more off the bottom and
>rounded more the edges
Ron - thanks for the message.
>I had to grind a lot to get even a close fit on the front where
>the CPM attaches to the firewall so would have not to fill a canyon
I couldn't take much off there without getting into the glass, but
the gap left does not seem large in the general scale of things. It
doesn't look like the 4mm or so that exists between the CM seat-back
flange and the fuselage floor.
>I ran
>like you said a first pass with redux/flox on a few areas that required a
>large fill
I may not do that, as the main reason for doing it on the wings was
that you can't see how it's gone after the final bond has been made,
and on the CM there is much better visibility.
>In same picture good
>idea to put on a 1 ply strip of uni so you can later install tie rod!
Thanks for that tip.
Reply copied to list as Ron's reply came only to me.
| Rowland Carson LAA #16532 http://home.clara.net/rowil/aviation/
| 1110 hours building Europa #435 G-ROWI e-mail <rowil@clara.net>