>seems to me that you are expecting the
>structure to take your weight before bonding
Bob - thanks for your message. I can see now that I was associating
the 2 different instructions on page 13-10 in an inappropriate way.
Near the top of the page it says "orientate the column such that the
tube cranks aft and slightly inboard so that there is equal space
between it and each of your thighs" and obviously you have to sit in
it to check that positioning.
But near the bottom of the page it says "check that the minimum
control movement that can be achieved without interference, is 22.5
cm (9") fore and aft and 28 cm (11") laterally" but it does NOT say
you should be sitting in it for that check; I had just mentally
connected the two!
>Assuming the control stick movements are not stiff prior to bonding the
>CM in place
No problem there - without the sticks fitted the weight of just the
aileron cross-link pushrod is enough to make it all fall to neutral
with the CM upside-down. I used good-quality furniture wax
(non-silicone) instead of grease on the Tufnol parts and that seems
to have worked well. I also included plastic shims when assembling
CS02/03/04 - see my website journal at
<http://home.clara.net/rowil/aviation/200808.html> for the whole
story. Note later also the method of inserting thin wires to keep
CS05 & CS02/3 co-axial and thus avoid any binding between the front
and rear bearings.
>a dummy run of module inserted and fuselage very adquately
>supported so that the sides are the correct width (without stress)
This seems a good idea, but how is that correct width determined? I
can't immediately see any reference for that dimension.
>Further don't mess with release agent or cling film you will not get a
>good bond
I found that when I did this on the wings, the hardest part was
getting the gap-filling cured Redux abraded again enough to key
properly with the final coat. But in the wings it was more desirable
to do it that way, as it's not possible to see where there is excess
or insufficient Redux at final bond time. For the CM bonding, most of
the areas are visible during the whole process or can be made so by a
strong light.
| Rowland Carson LAA #16532 http://home.clara.net/rowil/aviation/
| 1110 hours building Europa #435 G-ROWI e-mail <rowil@clara.net>