> All the CM flanges around the seat area (and the ply thigh-support ribs)
> mate with brown foam areas on the lower fuselage moulding - it covers all
> the central bottom area of the lower moulding (see the pictures attached
> to the first posting). The only CM bottom flanges NOT resting on foam are
> the outboard and rear edges of the seat pan, although the one at the port
> side is wide enough to catch the foam at its inboard edge.
Because I have little trust in my memory anymore, I pulled my fuse out of
the trailer this morning to check. Parts of my module DO mate with the
foamed areas of the fuselage but where they do, the module is rebated to
accomodate this. Does your module not have any rebated sections? There is
a slight joggle where the rebated sections start but they are not very
>>My solution for this was to locally remove the inner glass
>>plies and then to sand out the foam
>Kingsley - thanks for your message. I thought about that , but I think I'd
>need clearance from an inspector to proceed with that.
It must be a pain not being able to make a small change like this without
jumping through hoops etc. It was once like the UK over here too but thank
goodness, we have the Experimental Regulations here now.
Maybe you can raise the rear bushes a little. . . . I too had the rear
bushes installed as per the book but as I said previously, they turned out
not to be quite high enough.
I hope you can get on top of your hitch at the moment Rowland. There is
always a reason and a cure but properly identifying the problems can often
not be the easiest thing to do.
All the best