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Europa-List: Re: the Obsidian Files - So Much Noise!!!

Subject: Europa-List: Re: the Obsidian Files - So Much Noise!!!
From: n7188u <>
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2023 12:36:31


I didn't muck around on this one because I am so desperate to see if this work
and make my airplane quieter that this morning I woke up before the sun came up
and couldn't sleep anymore so went to the hangar and got to work :)

Regarding the different airbox, my kit was a mix of bits and pieces scattered 
over the country (and world). The airbox was missing but a kind soul in England
send me an old one which is what you see here. However, when I tried to install
it the thing's size was so off that the top cowling would not fit by a
lot! I had to Frankenstein the airbox and chop about an inch of the top and 
it all up again. So yes, it is certainly custom.


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