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Europa-List: Re: the Obsidian Files - So Much Noise!!!

Subject: Europa-List: Re: the Obsidian Files - So Much Noise!!!
From: Area-51 <>
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2023 17:52:23

Ahhh, that makes sense.. yes, i fitted some buffer pads under mine and had to 
them back to none because the top cowl was standing up too proud after...

Today i flew again for 75min and noticed that since installing this mod i am no
longer feeling fatigued after i shutdown and exit the cockpit... prior after
about 45min flight time i would start thinking about wanting to land and rest..
last three flights i have not had any thought about landing to rest... feeling
a lot more connected to the aircraft now.

Rolled out on 23 as usual, popped the flaps and undercarriage away and rotated
at 90kt into a steep climb at 5000rpm holding at 72kt; watched the dial hit 
in a blink, then cruised around at 75kt again... figured, hey i got nowhere
to actually go, why burn all that fuel and load everything up?! Did a few more
steep climbs up to 2500' then 4000', flew the inbound leg on 72kt simulated
engine failure, made the circuit entry at 1000' on a 600fpm decent

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