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Re: Europa-List: Re: Cabin fresh air exhaust

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: Cabin fresh air exhaust
From: Pete Zut <>
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2023 13:12:41
wrt to Troy's reverse Naca  behind the doors on top,  I am not convinced it
makes much of a difference.

Hopefully I will get up soon again and check it out at various airspeeds
(I've been grounded the last two weeks due to recovery from surgery ....)


On Fri, Aug 25, 2023 at 1:07=AFPM Erich Trombley <erichdtrombley@juno

> >
> Hello all,
> I appreciate the discussion this thread had yielded.   So, in my case I
> have a ram air NACA duct in the lower cowl which provides more than
> sufficient airflow to the two eyeball vents located in the lower portion 
> the center instrument panel.  The challenge I have, as previously
> mentioned, is getting the air to exit the cockpit in order to relieve the
> pressure which causes excessive bowing of the door frames.  Unfortunately
> the standoffs on the D panel aren=99t sufficient on their own, and 
> currently have just the pax door seal on at the moment.
> If I understand the latest analysis by Area-51 an exit near the horizonta
> stabilator may do the trick.   This may also require longer standoffs on 
> D panel if that becomes the flow constraint.
> I am also interested in hearing from Pete who has a reverse NACA installe
> just aft of the doors on the top of the canopy.   Noise and weather
> concerns notwithstanding, does this solution get the job done?
> Thanks everyone for providing their time and energy to this question.
> Erich Trombley
> N28ET
> Classic Mono 914

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